Thursday, December 23, 2010

Spirit, Spirit and Plenty of Christmas Spirit!

Cutie with curls.

Her part as Mama Bell. (second bell from the left)

Playing her recorder. (with the black flower headband)

Ellery on the other hand took her roll in her school program VERY seriously! She auditioned and received the part of Mama Bell 'Re'. She had to go to school serveral morning for early practice. The first day we made it on the time. The second day we were late and she was M.A.D. at me. She asked me what she was supposed to tell her teacher. I told her to tell her teacher that her moms hair didn't work out and it took a bit longer that expected. She did not find this FUNNY. She gave me the silent treatment all the way to school and when I asked her is she wasn't speaking do me she was like 'duh can't you tell'. So she had to be to early practice at the auditorium on a Friday and the auditorium is in the same building that her Grandma Shirley works at, so she made arrangement to stay over at Grandma Shirleys that night to ensure that she wouldn't be late.

I do have to say all her hard work was worth it, she did a wonderful job and to top it off we finnally got to hear the whole group of kids playing their recorders that they have been faithfully practicing for months! AND bonus, they get to play them for two more years! YEAH me.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Zero Christmas Spirit.

This is the photo that was in our local newspaper, see how all the kids are pointing to their noses..and Calvin is not.

This is Calvin not participating.

This is Calvin with his legs apart, they were like that the whole time. Again no participation.

This is Calvin giving me the 'Stink Eye'

Calvin had his school program last Monday. He was singing his songs at home all the time, practicing away. So imagine my surprise when we actually go to his program and he doesn't do much singing or actions. He told me that he would have but I was taking pictures of him. His church Christmas program went even better. NOT. More on that to come.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Copycat Copycat My whole life she had copied everything I do.

I graduate high school.
SHE graduates high school.

I go to college.
SHE goes to college.

I turn 21.
SHE turns 21.

I get married.
SHE gets married.

I have a baby.
SHE has a baby.

Will it ever end?

PS. Don't you love this picture of her. She is pretending she is riding a pogo stick. Hee hee.

Julie, Julia & Stacie

So I started another blog... out of spite, but now I can see it actually might be kind of fun.

See it all started because Hannah started a new cooking blog:

I may or may not have told her she was a loser for starting another blog.

Then we were watching the movie Julie and Julia the other day. And I said during the movie, oh I think (mind you this was in a sarcastic voice) I am going to start a food blog too and call it Julie, Julia & Stacie. We laughed, but really it was quite clever if I do say so myself. THEN I find out Hannah went and changed her cooking blog, which was called I Just Want To Cook, to Julie, Julia and Hannah. WHAHAHAHTT. Bring it sister. So welcome to my new blog:

Now Hannah can cook and I cannot. So hers will probably include recipes and such, mine on the other hand is going to be more about my relationship with the Schwans guy and eating out! I will also be trying Hannahs recipes from her blog and will review them on mine! Oh this is going to be soooo fun. So start submitting your recipes to Hannah, and I will keep you informed on what Schwans dinner we will be eating next! Enjoy!

PS. The movie Julie and Julia is super cute! Watch it.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


This photo is a couple of months old, I just remembered I had it...this sweet little boy blew out of two diapers while I was watching him at my house. With zero outfits left, I ran down the basement to the doll clothes bin and found this cute number (which used to be Ellery's) and crammed him into it!

I think he can totally pull off pink, no problem!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


outside enjoying the snow before this deep freeze set in.

We went to see Santa tonight at the annual Christmas dinner at the legion. Before we left I asked Calvin what he was going to ask for and he matter of factly told me that he was going to ask for a couch with a bed like the new one Hannah just got ..the one with the chaise lounger. HAHA. That kid.

He actually asked for a car. I think he panicked and that is all he could come up with because Santa asked him several more times if he wanted anything else and he kept saying car. Ellery asked for a paint set.

On the way home I asked him why he only asked for a car and he said because Ellery took was he was going to say. He is too much.

Now he is off to open skate and Ellery is finger knitting and I am trying to pick out a X-mas card, it is so hard, they are all so cute!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What do you want to be when you grow up?

For quite some time now Ellery has been telling us that she wants to be a dentist when she grows up. Then she decided that she would prefer to be an orthodontist. She has asked how long she has to go go school, if she needs to have good grades and how far away she has to go to school (she wants to stay close to home, that is what she says now anyway). She also has her office location picked out downtown Litchfield, so I assume she will be coming back some day to open up an office...=)

The other day Calvin had a dentist appointment to have a filling, she made sure she was right in there watching everything. After this appointment she decided she wanted to be a dentist who only works with kids, so I told her yes she could do that, and it is a called a pediatric dentist.

Perfect, right?! Until I heard her tell someone the other day that she was going to be an OrthoPediatric Dentist when she grows up. Now I am not a dental expert, but I do not believe OrthoPediatric is an option. I love how she threw those two professions together and that way she doesn't have decide between pediatrics and orthodontist.

I don't remember what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I am 99% sure it was more along the lines of a ballerina or Annie. No seriously I wanted to be Annie when I grew up, I even had my hair permed just like hers (see photo above). I can't make that up. I think I looked lovely. The sun will come out tomorrow....