Sunday, August 23, 2009

Water Fight.

The other night they brought out the hose and had a water fight, well then it turned into an argument as to who got to have the hose. Problem solved. Calvin you can have it for 5 minutes, then it is Ellery's turn...


trapped his sister in the 'man shed'.


wanted to clean the patio off.


are my favorites!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Forest City Stockade.

Calvin & I thought we were being funny. Grandma yelled for us to stop so she could take our picture. So we stopped...and she took our picture. Nice bums huh.

Ellery was so excited to go see the school house, she has recenlty visited it on a school field trip and she it was her favorite.

Grandma, Ellery, Hannah and Calvin did the egg toss. Grandma and Ellery's egg just wouldn't break...until it hit the door of the school house.. CRACK. Game over.

We ate:

Rock Candy
Apple Cider
Ice Cream
Fry Bread
Buffalo Sandwich
Root Beer Floots


Monday, August 17, 2009

Buffalo Sandy.

Hannah is not much of a meat eater. She cuts her brats in half the long way. Steak must be WELL DONE. She put a thin slice of ham on a huge bun. She just recently started eating pork chops, she was very surprised that she like them.

So you can bet this Buffalo Sandwich that Jerod is shoving into her face is out of the question.

Later in the day (we were at the Forest City Stockade) we found her wandering around looking like this....
Jerod said she looked like she was on opiates. Secretly I think she went and ate a Buffalo Sandwich.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cherry Cherry.

The boy had cherries last night for the first time. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Number Eight.

Miss Ellery G. Jones is proud to announce she has lost tooth number.....


The tooth fairy left her 3 dollars in quarters. The night before she asked if the tooth fairy was real. Her cousin had told her otherwise. I think the 3 dollars in quarters answered that question!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009



I'll admit it.

I have don't have time inbetween,
work, brushing other peoples teeth,
laundry, dishes, softball, filling water
balloons, clipping toenails, picking
up toys, filling more water balloons,
wiping up spilled yogurt, grocery
shopping, 'hitting pop ups' to the boy,
installing new smoke detectors,
vacumming out the car, putting
bandaids on invisible cuts, going to
Wal-Mart with the kids (will I ever learn?)

You get the idea.

Good thing we have Hanny Nanny.

She has been posting some kid stuff.

It's funny. I'm lucky to have her!!

Check it out here: