Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This Game.

I HATE this game. Princess Monopoly. Ick.

But look at how happy it makes them.............

Until the END. See if you look above BLUE is dominating the game. Blue just happens to be Calvin and myself - in the end some castles were thrown and tears shed, isn't that how every game of Monolopy should end??

Monday, September 7, 2009

Window Washers.

I asked the boys to clean my windows, they were happy to help!! Not really, but they didn't really have a choice now did they...

Is there something on my face?? Koolaid? Dirt?
Maybe we'll clean that next!

I think you missed a spot.....
Thanks for the help boys!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jump Jump.

Strawberry shortcake, cherry on top, how many boyfriends do you got?






of us jumping rope on a beautiful Minnesota summer night!

Cal is just getting the hang of it....

I will never get the hang of it....

These two did pretty well....

She didn't want her picture taken...cuz she is THAT good!!