Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Window Washer...

Want to entertain your son for hours, purchase one of these:

And you get this:

Yep I just stopped to fill the tank up with gas, and he hops out too, to wash the windows, except, if you know Calvin he had to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW and I was only about half way filled up with gas. So I only got half a tank of gas and had to RUN in with him to go to the bathroom. Then he came back out to complete the window washing, I think he spent like 10 minutes washing my windows! I am picking one of these up Wal-Mart tonight!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Birthday Party.

I know this picture is a bit dark and hard to see, but those are dinosaurs, well more like dinosaur skeletons on a homemade legos vehicle. So now he is obsessed with:

1. Star Wars
2. Legos
3. Dinosaur Skeletons
4. Gym time at school

He has had a great first couple of weeks of school. Yesterday he told me he had so much fun at school. I asked him what he did that was so much fun? Gym. Yep, gym was so much fun, he said it was like a birthday party.

Well whatever floats your boat and makes you want to go to school everyday, I am in!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do not worry, he is in very good hands.

Mondays & Tuesday I am done with work at 3. Yah me. So I, I mean we (me, cal & elle) are watching Breck until his mom or dad come pick him up. Yesterday we picked him up from Grandma Barricks and then went to our house. I laid out a blanket, gave him some toys and asked the kids to watch him while I went to change my clothes. The above photo is how I found him when I came back, minus the two children that were supposed to be watching him. So I called for the two children and first asked them why they weren't with Breck, and they both shrugged their shoulders and second I asked why his pants were around his ankles. Ellery explained that they needed to take a picture of his THIGHS. I can't say as I blame them. They are really nice chunky squishy yummy thighs! Don't worry Hannah he is in very good hands!! Plus I believe we have some excellent pictures of his thighs!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dancing with the Grandmas.

Ellery and I were watching Dancing with the Stars tonight. We watched Brandi, Bristol, and a few other 'stars' do their dance. Next up: Florence Henderson, aka Mrs. Brady. So she did her dance and it was yes a bit..AWKWARD. Ellery kept giggling and looking at me. She said well she isn't so good at that. I told her well lets google and see how old she is. Flo is 76. So I told Ellery that would be like Grandma Eleanor (my grandma who is 80) dancing. And Ellery said 'yah except Grandma Eleanor would NEVER be able to do that'. Right. As her cane might just get in the way and that is why we are even more even impressed that Flo was out there stutting her stuff ....sort of.

A boring Saturday.

(he said he was a Kung Fu Clown)

Sometimes Saturdays are BORING. You have exhausted all other options: trampoline-check, wii-check, saturday morning cartoons-check, computer games-check. So you head upstairs to the closet full of dress up clothes. They like to each dress up and come down and then I have to pick the one I like the best. They will do this oh, maybe 10 times before they are bored, but I do have to say when they go play dress up, they get along really really well, so I enjoy it even more than they will ever know!

Here's to a few more boring Saturdays of dress up!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Who are your friends?

Yesterday G & G Smith went to lunch for the first time with Calvin as a Kindergartner.
After school he and grandma were talking all about it. She said he ate EVERYTHING. Then she asked him who his little stocky friend was that was sitting by him? His reply:

My grandpa.

Baa ha ha aha ha. Love it.

Which White House?

Yesterday we went to visit a neighbor that lived next door to us when I was growing up on North Holcombe.

We just stopped in for a quick chat and a few snacks. Ellery asked me how we knew her and I explained that she lived next door to us when we lived in the 'white house'. I have driven by before and showen her the 'white' house that I grew up in, so I figured that would make perfect sense. NOPE.

With wide eyes and huge voice she says 'you lived in the White House?'

Uhm no, not THAT white house you silly girl, the one down the street from where we live now...

Ohhhhhh, she said and smiled!

Oh that girl, she is so funny.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 5.

Now let me start off by saying that I fully expected this to happen, but not on day five of school.

Calvin and Ellery take the bus to my work on Monday and Tuesday. As they walk in, I notice that Calvin doesn't have his fleece on nor a backpack strapped on. So I ask him where his stuff is. He tells me that he didn't bring his backpack that morning (nice job Brian) and someone 'stole' his jacket. Uhm back up. STOLE your jacket I ask him?

Yep. he said, it wasn't in my cubby when it was time to go home.

So I said did you tell your teacher?

Nope, he said.

Well you should have told your teacher, to which he replied,

It was warm out today I didn't need it.

Uhm little sir, yes you do need your jacket. UGH.

So the next morning I sent Brian with him to school to find the 'stolen' jacket.

It was accidentally taken home by another little boy and returned the next day..thankfully.

So now we had a chit chat that he must come home with his coat..EVERYDAY!

How many more years do I have of this?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Farm.

(click on the photo to enlarge)

I wish I knew when this photo was taken. I will have to check on that, but how cool is this old photo of the farm that my dad grew up on? He lived in the teal house to the left and his grandparents lived in the white house back to the right. We (me, Zach, Hannah & Ty) also spent plenty of time there when we visited. We would snowmobile all over those fields and the boys would shoot things back in the woods. The 'teal' house is no longer teal and the barns are no longer in the shape they once were, so it is fun to see how things looked back in the 'heyday' and imagine what it was like to grow up there!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My MA.

This is my mother. She loves to knit, make salsa, hates flies in her house, hates to lose at games and thinks she is funny. And she is. Speaking of funny. I found this funny photo of her on my phone. It is a couple of months old and we were going to visit Grandpa Erv. It was sprinkling out. And by sprinkling out I mean, two drops feel from the sky. So imagine my surprise when I see her walking up to the nursing home like this. You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me. I told her to stop so I could take her picture to send to Hannah. Because this would make Hannah crack up. Although I think I forgot to send it to Hannah, so I decided I best post it on my blog. Enjoy Hannah!