Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mind Reader.

Hannah called me at work this afternoon to ask if I wanted to watch Breck. UH DUH.

So I picked up Elle and Cal. On the way over I went over a few rules with Calvin. Calvin needs rules to follow or he will go off the deep end. So I told him that when we got to Hannahs he needed to first take his shoes off and go to the basement bathroom and wash his face and hands (he had just had an ice cream cone, it was all over his face and hands), to be quiet and there would be no running around with his head cut off or I would call his dad and he would come pick him up and babysitting would be over for him.

So we pull up, hop out of the car. As we are walking up to the house I asked him to repeat what I told him in the car (got to keep that boy on his toes and make sure he is listening).

He says: wash my hands and face. CHECK.

Then he thinks and says: be quiet. CHECK.

Then he stalls and I say 'AND' waiting for the last rule and he says:
Don't be stupid. Well, not exactly what I said, but we will count that as a CHECK.

Yes. Don't be stupid. That boy can read my mind. AMAZING.

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