Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Squirt Gun.

Every Tuesday Cal, Elle and myself head down to the ball fields to watch Brian play ball. Okay truth be told....Calvin runs around with the boys playing ball and getting dirty, Ellery spends every dime she can get out of me on popcorn and laffy taffy and I chat with the other mothers that are also shelling out dollars and quarters to their little peeps. Tonight was no different than any other Tuesday...Calvin comes running up to me grabbing his privates, so I ask the inevitable question 'Do you need to go to the bathroom', to which he replies 'No', I ask 'Are you sure', and he says 'Yes' as he is running to the bathrooms. As we approach the bathrooms he heads to the mens, and then looks back at me with disgust because he knows he has to use the woman's bathroom. The toilet is to tall to stand and do his business so I juggle my cell phone, a baseball glove and a ball to help him up on the toilet trying my best so that he doesn't touch every nasty surface in the bathroom. As he is peeing, he grabs above his 'little nugget' and starts moving the pee in random patterns and then looks up at me and says to me 'Look mom, it's a squirt gun'. So we finish up our business and he bolts out the door and I say 'Hey don't you need to wash your hands' and he shrugs his shoulders at me and I say 'because you just touched your squirt gun'. He comes back in to runs his hand briefly under the water and is off again. When he offers to share his candy later that night I decline because I know that there are most likely squirt gun germs on that there candy. Blah. Boys.

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