Whenever I bring a 'dish' to a get together, I don't usually have people flocking over to me to request a copy of a recipe. It's not because I am a terrible cook, but more because I don't make anything too complicated or maybe because they can see from the package that I just picked it up from Wal-Mart.
But if I bring this salad, I always get a request. It is by far one of the best summer salads around. By it's self, the salad is just okay, but if you want to pump it up and make your guests think you spent hours in the kitchen, add the following: corn and black bean (I just use cans, and maybe only 1/3 of each and then I add a handlful of shredded cheese. Oh you will need to add more mayo because you added the extra ingredients. Here is the rest of the recipe...wait for it
seriously the easiest salad to make in the world....
your family and friends will be so impressed....
are you ready....

PS. You can only find this salad at Econo if you are from Litchfield!!