Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Between your legs.

So Hannah is getting re-licensed for daycare. She was reading over some of the paper work and mentioned tornado and fire drills. So she asked Ellery and Calvin what do we do when there is a fire:

Calvin says: go sit in the hallway
Ellery says: go over to Melissa's house (a neighbors house)

So Hannah prompts Calvin again, no 'FIRE DRILL' and he says oh yeah, Melissa's house. Okay good.

Then she asks them what do we do in a tornado:

Calvin: go sit in the hallway
Ellery: yep, go sit in the hallway

Then Hannah asks what do we do next?

Blank stares from both of them.

So she says, where do you put your heads:

Calvin: ??
Ellery: in the closet?

I just about peed my pants laughing. Hannah and I were seriously dying.

The correct answer Hannah was looking for: between your legs.

When Hannah told them the correct answer, Ellery was like ..oh yeah I knew that.

So if you ever find her with her head stuck in a closet, she is probably doing a tornado drill. Seriously that girl has some serious blonde moments!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sew Fun.

Sew, Grandpa Red loves his infomercials. He bought the 'Handy Stitch' years ago and misplaced it. Lucky for us he found it again and we happened to stop by. He was having problems threading the 'Handy Stitch' so I helped him out and then he and the kids started sewing. I wonder what beautiful 'Handy Stitch' items we can all expect for Christmas, maybe a nice coaster or a toaster cover. Can't WAIT!

PS: did you notice the box says 'portable and cordless' oh the endless possibilities.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shots. Stink.

My boy had his shots in preparation for Kindergarten. He was worried all day long and even more worried once we got to the doctors office. We had the normal check up and then came in the two nurses with the dreaded shots. I held his hands and then they started, he immediatly screamed and cried. It was so sad. I carried him out to the car and then we headed to Wal-Mart, he got out of the car at Wal-Mart and could barely walk, he limped a bit, but once he was in and started roaming the toy isle, there wasn't a limp in site. Weird.

Then we headed home for dinner and he had baseball that night. He ran around like a crazy man, sliding in to bases, hitting balls, you name it, he did it. THEN he came home and couldn't get into the shower by himself or get dressed, because his knees wouldn't bend. =) So we helped him along and got him to bed, he couldn't get into bed either, so we got him all tucked in and he was fast asleep within minutes. It had been a long day!


Height 44 1/4 - 67%
Weight 42lbs - 55%

AND ready for Kingergaten!